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Manavi Law Group, APLC was founded by attorney Saman Manavi, Esq. in 2006. After only one year as a practicing attorney, Mr. Manavi was ready to handle his own cases and practice law in a client-centered environment. Founded with a stack of business cards, a laptop, and a printer, Mr. Manavi quickly gained dozens of clients seeking to restructure their businesses or acquire new ones.

Along the way, an attorney working on the same floor introduced Mr. Manavi to criminal defense, and Mr. Manavi quickly learned a new and exciting field of law.

As time went on and our practice grew, the experience in both Civil and Criminal courts made Manavi Law Group, APLC the go-to firm for any matter headed to trial.

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We know that finding the right attorney to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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