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Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Do You Know How To Handle Disputes With Your Tenants?

Having to evict someone is never the ideal situation. It is always preferable to be able to reach some form of agreement. However, often, landlords are backed into a corner.

There are plenty of other tenants who need to pay rent and find a way to do so. A late payment, very infrequently and discussed beforehand, is much different than chronically late payments.

As a landlord, you have other bills that need to be paid. Chronically late paying tenants tend to back up the entire flow of things. If rent is late, then payment somewhere else is late and so on, and so on, and so on.

Know-How And Guidance Make For The Best Laid Plans

It is important to understand tenant rights. Especially in Beverly Hills, CA and the surrounding areas, there is a melting of different codes and rules as diverse as the population of California itself. Many area landlords do not know the complex Los Angeles County Rent Control rules.

Local ordinances in West Hollywood and Santa Monica complicate things further. This complex patchwork of laws has made it difficult, if not impossible, to relieve the landlord of a difficult residential tenant. Your best option is to hire an experienced attorney to handle these matters for you.

Landlords, namely private landlords, typically have to navigate tenant laws on their own when an issue arises. Some landlords have legal counsel before a situation occurs, but many do not. Manavi Law Group, APLC has the experience and the skills to represent you in your landlord-tenant dispute.

Are You Taking Your Landlord-Tenant Dispute To Court?

Legal action is often the last ditch effort for landlords to recoup some of the losses from unpaid rent. The landlord-tenant system requires that each party play their party dutifully. Manavi Law Group, APLC understands that this isn’t always the case.

Manavi Law Group, APLC, has assisted landlords in disputes with tenants, primarily representing landlords in eviction procedures. Whether you are a residential landlord or a commercial landlord whose tenant is not paying rent, we can represent you in court appearances to evict the tenant for failure to pay.

Manavi Law Group, APLC Proudly Serves Beverly Hills, CA Landlords

There are many cases in which a landlord may need to enter into a landlord-tenant dispute. The critical thing to remember is that these cases can be a significant strain if you don’t have the right supportive team behind you.

Typically, the safety of all tenants can be at stake when a select few tenants do not play by the rules. Tenant rights are important and, at times, challenging to navigate. Because this area of law can be complex, knowing a tenant's rental rights is essential. Being able to discern one-off circumstances from problematic behavior is a difficult skill to master.

Talking to an experienced landlord-tenant lawyer can help the eviction process go as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Manavi Law Group, APLC, has been serving the community since 2006. Beverly Hills, CA, landlords can expect an unrivaled commitment to ensuring the best possible outcome.

Calling Manavi Law Group, APLC, Is The First Step To Reconciliation

As a landlord, you will need strong representation for your landlord-tenant dispute. These cases can often be emotional, especially when dealing with eviction cases. While it is clear to everyone how important being housed is, tenants enter into a business relationship upon signing a lease. The policies and procedures are set in place for everyone to follow.

While eviction cases are the most common landlord-tenant dispute, they are not the only kind. The category of landlord-tenant disputes is varied and nuanced. Our firm has experience with different types of cases and can assist you with your litigation needs.

In addition to evictions, Manavi Law Group, APLC also deals with the following landlord-tenant matters:

  • Wrongful Evictions
  • Tenants Rights
  • Landlords Rights
  • Draft Leases
  • Lease Violations

To schedule your confidential consultation, contact us at your earliest convenience.

Manavi Law Group, APLC - Beverly Hills, CA

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